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MOONMOON CALENDAR announces multicultural lunar traditions and exposes an algorithmic similarity between astrologers and Artificial Intelligence (AI) through horoscopes.

The project resets our way of thinking about time by reclaiming the throne from the sun back to the moon. The calendar uses fiction, non-sacred spirituality and sarcasm as a method to reflect on humanity and to imagine alternative possibilities. May it open up other forms of knowledge that are dominated by non-Western thinking.

MOONMOON CALENDAR lands an unconventional timeline on the calendar system. The fictive calendar is inspired by the Chinese lunisolar calendar which harmonises the two opposites; the sun and the moon.

MOONMOON CALENDAR rethinks horoscopes. It unveils an astrological innovation that generates predictions from data collection. Unlike the application Co-Star, the horoscope is not only a personal prediction but heavily unleashes a speculative and satirical fiction of contemporary societies. Such poetic storytelling is so complex that it feels beyond-linear. It is so clear and vague that everyone can relate.

On show during Lunar festivities on 1-2-2020 at: 

13:00-18:00 SPACE101, Rotterdam

Written by Djuna Couvee ⻢, designed by Sijing Zhang ⻰, animated by Oana Clitan 蛇, printed by Tatjana Bladt-Cohen 羊 with AGA LAB, made possible by MAMA and curated by Honey Kraiwee ⻢.

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