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Parallel Windows

Parallel Windows travels through concepts of time, space and reality by embodying two paradoxical realities of the two pavilions located in different parts of the world.


The series articulates the relationship between the two sets of reality created by clocked time and experienced time. The two pavilions experiment the juxtaposition which perhaps exposes a disparity and an overlap of time.


Parallel Windows aligns the coexistence by using two windows. One is an actual window of the pavilion. The other is a simulated window realised by an arrangement of light and reflection. Both windows represent the coexistence and the collision of the two realities simultaneously.


The setting of Parallel Windows gives visitors a cosy, dim and still space where visitors become more aware of themselves whilst gradually ignoring the presence of other visitors. That is to say, visitors become connected with the interwoven zone between the representation and their own experience of the passing time. It also questions how mediated or unmediated is our reality?

Two emerging Thai artists, Tian Titirat Skultantimayta and Sornrapat Patharakorn, show their newly commissioned work in Parallel Windows which participates in the first Bangkok Biennale 2018. Their work is characterised by stillness and serenity expressed through photography, illustration and this time a short moving image.

Artists: Tian Titirat Skultantimayta & Sornrapat Patharakorn

Curator: Honey Kraiwee

Location: Hae Winkel, Maastricht, the Netherlands

Date & Time: 19 July – 23 August 2018 from 11:30-19:00

Parallel Window is part of Bangkok Biennial 2018 Pavilion

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